Monday 10 April 2017

Beyond lacklustre performances, "Our Best Friend's Wedding" is watchable

When the promotion materials for "Our Best Friend's Wedding" surfaced, they were colorful and attractive and teased an entertaining fun watch. 

"Our Best Friend's Wedding" is a web series that follows Charles and his two best friends, buys a ring on a whim after he finds out that his mom supposedly has cancer.

He recruits his two best friends, Kemi and Jade, to help draw a list of potential candidates. Every episode, Charles goes on a date with one of the candidates, who all happen to be his exes.

Our Best Friend's Wedding
(YouTube )

Then, there's Onome, a young woman he had a one-night stand with, who eventually turns out to be a part of his work life. There's also Promise, Charles' best friend, who is a drug addict. 

"Our Best Friend's Wedding" has an interesting plot that one can watch just for fun every Thursday. However, somethings makes it a difficult watch; the acting, character development, pacing and unnecessary plot holes.

The performances are lacklustre. There is nothing exciting about the way the lead actors deliver their characters. All On Air Personalities, they try so hard to be themselves and natural, unfortunately, it doesn't work. They make it difficult to connect with their characters. 
New episode of "Our Best Friend's Wedding"
And just when you think the lead actors lack the needed liveliness, the supporting cast deliver cringe-worthy performances that could make you give up on the show. 

Despite their success and perfection as OAPs, Adebola ‘Illrymz’ Olowu, Oreka Godis and Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi, C still need more time to hone their acting skills before they can charm viewers through a series or movie. 

However, Chris Attoh as Tunde has such a screen presence that single-handedly tries to save the dull performances. His best moment comes in the finale when he pays a visit to a devastated Jade. It's emotional, natural, and without a doubt the best scene throughout the season. 
Charles and Jade in "Our Best Friend's Wedding"

"Our Best Friend's Wedding" is slow-paced. For at least five episodes, you find yourself simply watching three friends meet. You wait for the big punch, but nothing comes. 

In the early episodes, viewers are introduced to Promise, Charles' drug addict friend. While there's absolutely nothing wrong with Charles having a male best friend, one would expect more from a character that has been accorded huge screen time. Unfortunately, he plays no important role in the overall plot of the series. 

"Our Best Friend's Wedding" is a predictable show. From the first episode, every smart viewer knows they are in for a series about two best friends falling in love with each other. Since Kemi is already married, it's also predictable that Charles will develop feelings for Jade.

Tunde and Jade in "Our Best Friend's Wedding"

Unfortunately, no scenes build up to that moment. After waiting for episodes for a sign that the two were remotely attracted to each other, the script decides to rush everything in episode 9 and 10, and viewers are simply expected that the two have loved each other for a long time. 

The only indication at a 'Jade and Charles' comes from their friends and acquaintances asking "so, are you with Jade? Are you with Charles?" - Those, unfortunately aren't enough. 
Our Best Friend's Wedding

The most beautiful part of "Our Best Friend's Wedding" is the soundtrack. It is uniquely beautiful and put together that it hits hard enough to leave a mark. It lightens up the show, skewing across familiar tones. At the end of every episode, you would have new songs for a new playlist.

The romance and acting in the series aren't convincing, but while "Our Best Friend's Wedding" doesn't break the mold, it's a fun watch, perfect for a Thursday evening. 

The season one finale of the web series which is a collaboration between The Naked Convos and REDTV, was released on April 7, 2017.

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